Friday, February 22, 2013

Week of Febrary 25 - March 1

This week we are celebrating Read Across America week and Dr. Seuss' birthday with a lot of fun and fanfare. While it's fun to do some of these silly things, like silly socks days, the focus is really on a great author who changed how children's books were written and inspired a love of reading for future generations.

What book, by Dr. Seuss or any other author, is your favorite book? Why?

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Week of February 18-22

Monday is Presidents' Day, and I know you were glad to be out of school. Imagine that you are the president of the United States, what are 2 two things that you would do if you were in charge of the country? 

Don't forget to check your work for COPS and only post your 1st name with your comment! 

Friday, February 8, 2013

Week of Feb 11-15

Imagine you won a four day vacation at one of the places shown above for you and your family. Which one would you choose? Why? 

Respond with your thoughts! Remember to include your first name in your comment, but only your first name. Also, don't forget to show your best work!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Week of February 4-8

Today we learned about Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth. We talked about their lives as slaves and leaders of the Underground Railroad. Many people consider them to be heroes. What qualities do you think a hero shows? Who is a hero to you?

- When you respond, be sure to check your response for COPS (capitalization, organization, punctuation and spelling).
- Be clear and detailed in your thoughts!