Monday, October 21, 2013

Day 40: Spelling Activities

Here are the spelling choice activities for this week...

Complete one activity each night and have an adult initial that the activity was completed.


______ Write ten sentences using your words.

______ Write your spelling words on cards (two sets) and play memory match against a parent or sibling.

______ Write a rap using all of your spelling words.

______ Draw and color a picture. “Hide” the words in the picture.

______ Take a practice test at home given by a parent.

______ Using a thesaurus, write your words and a synonym and antonym beside each word.

______ Pretend as if you are shooting a basketball. For each shot, spell one letter of your words.

______ Clap as you spell your words and tell an adult their meaning.

______ Resort your words into their categories and write them on a sheet of notebook paper.

______ Write a friendly letter to someone using at least ten of your spelling words.


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